Young Adults

Dynamic Worship. Relatable Teachings. Casual Environment.

We look forward to seeing YOU at McLane Church!

Young Adults & College


Waymakers is a Life Group for young adults between the ages of 22 and 35.

We meet every other Friday each month for coffee and discussion at 7 p.m. at our Edinboro site. Check our calendar HERE.

The purpose of this group is to grow deeper in our faith together while also supporting each other during this part of our life’s journey.

In addition to having time to study faith issues, we will share concerns, celebrate triumphs and have fun together.

For more info or to join the group, head over to our Life Groups page, scroll down to Waymakers and sign up!

Life Is Better In Groups

As young adults, we really value your fresh and unique perspective and we would be so excited to have you join one of our McLane Life Groups this year.

McLane Church Service Times

  • Edinboro: Saturdays 6 PM, Sundays 9 & 11 AM
  • Online: Saturdays 6 PM, Sundays 9, 10 & 11 AM
  • Union City: Sundays 10 AM
  • On Demand: YouTube @mclanechurch

Volunteer With Us

Opportunities are open in McLane Kids, McLane Students, Worship & Production, and so much more. Stop by our Welcome Center anytime on the weekend to ask questions, get more info, and chat with us!

Follow along

Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on everything happening at McLane Church.

Free Food

Join us after the Saturday night service in Edinboro for a free dinner or enjoy free coffee and brunch Sunday mornings in Edinboro and Union City!

Student Ministry

Looking for a group of like-minded college students and young adults? Check out Edinboro University’s student ministry group, Chi Alpha.