When you think of small group meetings, what comes to mind? Probably a weekly get together at someone’s home. Some snacks, some laughs, a discipleship study of some sort, and some prayers.
Every so often, it’s a good thing to break things up a bit and do something totally different together to keep it fresh…and FUN! It might be a game night at home. It might be dinner out and a movie together. Or any number of other activities that your group can think of.
To help you get started, here’s a list of organizations and activities in the region that might be just what your group needs to break up the routine. If you have other ideas, please let us know and we’ll add them to this list.
The Historical Society of Erie County
The Edinboro Area Historical Society
Erie Firefighters Historical Museum – By appointment only. Email Michael Fahey – [email protected]
Lake Shore Railway Museum (North East)
Crawford County Historical Society (Meadville)
Baldwin-Reynolds House Museum (Meadville)
Johnson-Shaw Stereoscopic Museum (Meadville)
Drake Well Museum (Titusville)