How Do I Give?

How Do I Give?

Why We Give

Because you give, McLane Church can continue to “Be the Good” in our community. 

We can: 

  • care for infants, toddlers and children and teach them about Jesus
  • keep our building maintained and comfortable for the church and the community
  • purchase equipment and other necessities to run our online gatherings
  • build care packages for those in need
  • open our doors for school events, community groups, AA, GriefShare and more
  • encourage and equip through our Life Groups ministry
  • invest in the lives of middle and high school students
  • provide pastoral care 

Giving is an act of worship. If you would like to help us continue to transform this region and beyond, give generously today! 

What It Means For Us

McLane Church is almost entirely dependent on the voluntary contributions of our members to fund our mission and vision in this region and beyond. Your willingness to give freely of your resources enables the work of the  church to continue. May God richly bless you for your generosity.

Don’t know what to give?
Use our helpful Tithe Calculator to get you started